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  • Redrobes's Avatar
    Today, 09:14 AM
    That is a nice map and it is impressive that somebody can recognize it from the top down fantasy plan. Your shadows look pretty good and consistent.
    6 replies | 779 view(s)
  • Redrobes's Avatar
    Today, 09:05 AM
    Redrobes replied to a thread HI in Member Introductions
    Hi RossN and welcome to the guild. Have fun and post up some of your work / maps whenever you are ready.
    1 replies | 125 view(s)
  • Daia Maps's Avatar
    Today, 08:17 AM
    Yes, that was it! This is the town I used as my main reference. It was almost a trace haha, but I wanted to get a better feel for how a town might be...
    6 replies | 779 view(s)
  • RossN's Avatar
    Today, 07:56 AM
    RossN started a thread HI in Member Introductions
    Hello All, Gudday from Australia! New to creating maps, however have had a lifelong fascination with them, (passed down from my grandfather). I've...
    1 replies | 125 view(s)
  • Redrobes's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:29 PM
    Redrobes replied to a thread Hello all! in Member Introductions
    Hello Brian, Welcome to the guild. When you have reached 5 posts then ping me with a message and I can set your profile as a publisher which gets you...
    1 replies | 848 view(s)
  • PlanJanusza's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:42 PM
    Hi, this time something smaller than usual this time. Fineliners and GIMP in postprodyction - colors and lettering. It is my interpretation of...
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  • Chlodowech's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:38 PM
    It looks like Conques in Rouergue, southwestern France.
    6 replies | 779 view(s)
  • Ellipsisnati's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:46 AM
    Hi everyone, I'm Brian. I'm the managing editor for a small RPG publishing company, a 30 year veteran of TTRPGs, and an amateur cartographer. I...
    1 replies | 848 view(s)
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