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Obligatory welcome post

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Hey there and welcome to Tumbleweed - an empty little part of the web that you are probably the first, and maybe only, person to visit.

I'll own up from the start - this will probably be updated infrequently. It is a little known fact (although known very well to my family) that I am an expert at starting things. Finishing them... not so much. But as I doubt there will be hordes of internet users hanging on my every word and desperate to find out what has been happening with me then I'm willing to risk starting something once more.

What's this all about? Well first and foremost I will post stuff related to the program TreeThing - what it can do, what I want it to do, what I cannot make it do, what I had a helluva lot of trouble making it do etc. If anyone reads this and has found a use for the program then I would welcome comments and suggestions.
Other subjects I will probably braoch less frequently are mapping in general, digital art and possibly even writing - the reason I came to the Cartographer's Guild in the first place and something I really need to get back in touch with.
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