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  1. "You guys are too nice", "Apologies" and more randomness ala Jalyha

    First of all... You guys are too nice.

    Part of what I liked when I found this place is that everyone takes/gives criticism constructively. That's important, because that's how people learn, usually.

    And yet, no one has really said anything was wrong with my scribbles. (okay a couple people, tiny details, nothing big).

    Meanwhile I'm picking your maps apart with a nit comb, trying to find ANYTHING to critique/suggest to help out.

  2. My little pony maps!!

    Well, not really.. I don't seem to be able to map much of anything yet. (But there's one in my avatar, for those of you who clicked for the ponies - not mine, but it's MLP, and it's a map, so...)

    WELL I got a tablet today. It's not as bad as I thought. I can draw with it, probably better than I can with the mouse, but I couldn't make a straight line if you paid me (especially as I haven't found the pen's equivalent of a "shift & click")

    I have so many ...
  3. Stop Stalking My Brain! :o

    I'd never thought much about land shapes until I came here.

    Recently it's been invading my head. Let me explain...

    I'm sitting at the dining room table, playing "Play-Doh Ice Cream shop" with my 4 year old. (For any who don't know, Play Doh is a soft, moldable, brightly colored clay-like substance for children)

    I grab the little toy rolling pin and smash out a small amount of playdoh. Normally, the only thought in my head (if any) about the ...
  4. My whole life is a lie. (Okay, that's too dramatic).

    Seriously, though, I've been thinking about this and I've come to the conclusion that I know very little about myself.

    It's this darned movie, really. I was watching Runaway Bride (anything with Julia Roberts is amazing) for the 5 bagazillionth time (*see footnote) and eating an omelet. I've ALWAYS preferred omelets, even if I have no fillings for it. And then Julia's running around eating every imaginable type of egg, because she doesn't know what she likes. And I *really* stopped ...
  5. The best way to begin

    The best advice on writing I have ever given or received was simply to put pen to paper and write.

    It's so natural to me. I've never been faced with a blank page I was not tempted to fill, and once begun, filled rapidly. I also have a talent for editing. To take a work written, by myself or anyone else, and improve upon it; to find a sketch and fix it, adding in details which make it whole, this is natural as well.

    I'm no (in)famous master of my art, but I do rather ...
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