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  1. A Ghost & a Whisper…

    I’ve posted a few of my maps and more humorous blogs here, but I thought I’d take a moment to talk about one of my favorite more serious characters. He’s an assassin, like my lead character Shade, but he is a ballsy and chillingly capable rival who is a true threat to Shade’s crown as world’s top assassin. I call him Raithe and he’s got quite the tongue on him. Let’s begin with a quote from the man’s very lips:

    “Of course, I don’t have so widely esteemed reputation as you, Shade, ...
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  2. A few results from Meshroom.

    by , 10-22-2018 at 01:05 PM (Redrobes blog about playing with the technical side of graphics.)
    In my last entry I mentioned that Meshroom had been released. I had to borrow a friends machine with an nVidia card on it that would handle CUDA as the program will not run without it. The computations required to generate the 3D mesh from the photos are quite intense and with many photos it takes a lot of time. CUDA is the graphics card support which allows the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to handle that complex graphics based math instead of the normal CPU. Since GPUs are custom built for this ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Statue1_Photo.jpg 
Views:	2194 
Size:	171.9 KB 
ID:	110920   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Statue1_3D.jpg 
Views:	2064 
Size:	54.2 KB 
ID:	110921  
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images  
  3. Current WIPs

    Currently working on three very different maps for three different authors. I also recently found the map I started for my own books, but it is so sad and unloved, haha! I barely sketched out the coastline and threw some names on there. I should really start actually working on that one. I need to hurry up and finish these maps first.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map-OliviaClark06.jpg 
Views:	1031 
Size:	629.3 KB 
ID:	115784
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map-CLGaber2.jpg 
Views:	1020 
Size:	729.0 KB 
ID:	115785
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Tinsworthy.jpg 
Views:	1010 
Size:	722.9 KB 
ID:	115786
  4. World Map - Update

    So, I've managed to get my files into a better format.

    Here's an image of my world with latitude markings.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	master latitude.jpg 
Views:	1048 
Size:	1.36 MB 
ID:	116016

    Love to hear any comments.
    World Maps
  5. AutoRealm 3 Development - Initial Stages

    I'm developing a modern AutoRealm version (from the older software named AutoREALM).
    • Currently, it reads the binary and XML v6 file formats and displays all objects minus the line type and end attributes. Loading and display is much faster (a large file load that took 10min with the old software now loads in seconds).
    • Rendering, in general, is much faster. Surface rendering is optimized for closed shapes.
    • It saves in a newer v7 binary format that corrects several issues.
    • Multiple

    Updated 10-29-2024 at 01:29 AM by AtesComp (Add category)

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