The Cartographers’ Guild is a forum created by and for map makers and aficionados, a place where every aspect of cartography can be admired, examined, learned, and discussed. Our membership consists of professional designers and artists, hobbyists, and amateurs—all are welcome to join and participate in the quest for cartographic skill and knowledge.
Although we specialize in maps of fictional realms, as commonly used in both novels and games (both tabletop and role-playing), many Guild members are also proficient in historical and contemporary maps. Likewise, we specialize in computer-assisted cartography (such as with GIMP, Adobe apps, Campaign Cartographer, Dundjinni, etc.), although many members here also have interest in maps drafted by hand.
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New year, and new year resolution; get back into cartography now the holiday season has ended. This map I drew yesterday to get back into the swing of it. Nothing special, but it was good fun. I plan to colour and name the major cities over the following week, then re-scan and re-upload. I may or may not digital-ise it through gimp, I don't know yet so we'll see.
Well, this is super neat, here I was fool enough not to have realised I had access to the blogs :/ Never mind that now, here's my current hobby project, with the worst productivity schedule but hey, I'm getting there! A few points; *The file I uploaded is a lot smaller in the detail sense; that is I exported a jpg at 50 detail. So some smaller details is lost, but the big picture is in tack. *Yeah, I've come a long way, got even further than that to go. Good thing I' ...
Originally Posted by HeatherB I wanted to focus more on the land and textures on this one and not so much on labels and towns.
Originally Posted by HeatherB I drew this map up for my D&D campaign. A town haunted by many angry spirits after it was destroyed by a battle between 2 dragons! More often then not I'm scouring the internet trying to find a map I can borrow for when my players run through low priority towns, but this time I had a couple of specific requirements that I wasn't going to find in someone else's creative works.
In my last entry I mentioned that Meshroom had been released. I had to borrow a friends machine with an nVidia card on it that would handle CUDA as the program will not run without it. The computations required to generate the 3D mesh from the photos are quite intense and with many photos it takes a lot of time. CUDA is the graphics card support which allows the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to handle that complex graphics based math instead of the normal CPU. Since GPUs are custom built for this ...