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  1. Images

    Sorry for the big images, but I couldn't figure out this sites attachment system. If anyone could tell me how to work it, it would be much appreciated.
  2. My Maps

    Here are some of my completed maps. Helpful criticisms are welcomed and appreciated.

  3. Posting Maps

    How do I post my map of my world on this site (apart from an attachment)? I would love some helpful criticism.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Myirandios - AE.PNG 
Views:	528 
Size:	877.4 KB 
ID:	63115  
  4. "You guys are too nice", "Apologies" and more randomness ala Jalyha

    First of all... You guys are too nice.

    Part of what I liked when I found this place is that everyone takes/gives criticism constructively. That's important, because that's how people learn, usually.

    And yet, no one has really said anything was wrong with my scribbles. (okay a couple people, tiny details, nothing big).

    Meanwhile I'm picking your maps apart with a nit comb, trying to find ANYTHING to critique/suggest to help out.

  5. My little pony maps!!

    Well, not really.. I don't seem to be able to map much of anything yet. (But there's one in my avatar, for those of you who clicked for the ponies - not mine, but it's MLP, and it's a map, so...)

    WELL I got a tablet today. It's not as bad as I thought. I can draw with it, probably better than I can with the mouse, but I couldn't make a straight line if you paid me (especially as I haven't found the pen's equivalent of a "shift & click")

    I have so many ...