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  1. Second map

    My second map:

    No countries, no rivers.

    I make it with Photoshop using Ascension's Atlas Tutorial.

    In Creating the Continental Shelf, Select > Color range = black with a fuzziness of 150, I use 50 instead.
  2. First map

    My first map:

    I make it using Ascension's Atlas Tutorial in Gimp.

    Remains to be done: Rivers and Countries. Felimage too; not installed it because I could not.

    (It is the first time I write in English, please be patient.)

    Updated 04-15-2012 at 04:17 AM by Mustak

  3. darrenkitlor's Abeir-Toril Map - Forgotten Realms

    If I have a map at 100% size, I will put names in and send it to you
  4. getting to grips with styling

    My first blog is about styling. It can be time consumming finding fonts and photoshop brushes, colours and styles in map making. But the effort is truely worth the while even if it means rehashing existing maps. I use some fonts which don't have the full character set so that numbers, for example, don't come out in text. What a pain! And being a poor artist I can't afford to buy pro fonts. I have tried to make my own font up and it took ages! And when you use it it is damn hard to read as the spacing ...
  5. Introductions, Stepping Stones, and Future Dreams

    At one point, I could never understand why some people allow their dreams and passions to die away. Buried under piles mediocrity and tedious work. Then I'm brought back to my time in college, sitting in my networking class, listening to my professor talk about "dreams". He told my class, "Don't follow your dreams. You'll just be disappointed in the long run. Dreams and passions can die off just as easily as they start, and sooner or later, you'll come to hate what you once loved." ...
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