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  1. AP1-The Isles of Sarlona - LAUNCHED

    I'm excited to say I've launched my first adventure module which is around my map called the Isles of Sarlona. Since it is around 9 islands I included my merchant ships map and row boat maps/tiles as well as a dungeon to explore within one of the isles.

    It is available exclusively on Patreon, but here is a teaser to hopefully get you interested. ...

    Updated 06-25-2019 at 10:11 PM by AdventurePages

  2. World Map - Update

    So, I've managed to get my files into a better format.

    Here's an image of my world with latitude markings.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	master latitude.jpg 
Views:	1043 
Size:	1.36 MB 
ID:	116016

    Love to hear any comments.
    World Maps
  3. New Map of New World

    Greetings all,

    I've been following some of the posts about building world climates, but haven't been able to post due to technical difficulties.

    Over the past few months, I'd been contemplating the world to set my writing in. I'd done most of the local cosmology - no science content here - down to what the average planet weather would look like. But I really wanted to know what the regional differences would be.

    Finally, I sat down with pen and paper ...

    Updated 06-12-2019 at 10:48 PM by Carl Roberts

    World Maps
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Files
  4. Current WIPs

    Currently working on three very different maps for three different authors. I also recently found the map I started for my own books, but it is so sad and unloved, haha! I barely sketched out the coastline and threw some names on there. I should really start actually working on that one. I need to hurry up and finish these maps first.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map-OliviaClark06.jpg 
Views:	1029 
Size:	629.3 KB 
ID:	115784
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map-CLGaber2.jpg 
Views:	1014 
Size:	729.0 KB 
ID:	115785
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Tinsworthy.jpg 
Views:	1006 
Size:	722.9 KB 
ID:	115786
  5. All, at our own pace

    I was sure hoping that I would be farther along than I am. Got tied up with trying to figure out how to crop, and that led to image enlargement and reduction, and those pesky pixels are back again. The first tutorial I became involved with said a 2000 x 2000 was a good size, but I am starting to believe that I might have needed a 4000 x 4000 to do what I want to do. I got another sketch pad (a smaller one) to hang out with me at work. I'll keep it in my tool box just in case I have some extra ...
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