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  1. Now roads and towns

    I found out where I was on the map ... finally. The towns and roads made themselves clear to me at the same time. I was only able to make one label, and that was for the Watch Tower. I haven't figured out what I did yet to make that first label, and the tutorials I walked through didn't shed any light on it either. But I've got roads ... and I've got towns. I might have to see if I can do a representation of the twin cities that appear to be the capital on this island. Good news, the people ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	(Map) The Mothers Isle 4.JPEG 
Views:	1363 
Size:	1.03 MB 
ID:	115636  
  2. The Watch Tower

    I got out the ol' pad and pencil, and drew the watch tower that I could see from where I was. The light was fading, so I finished just before the sun left for the evening. That's it, enough waiting ... I'm going over there. I still have a knife.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The Mothers Isle (watch tower).jpg 
Views:	200 
Size:	266.1 KB 
ID:	115617
  3. The things you discover

    Pixels ... that was the issue I was having with the coastlines. I didn't realize it, until I got down and nit-combed it. A simple 1-pixel line is never a simple 1-pixel line. It has fuzz and shading around it.
    The fuzzy tool sees the shading and fuzz as a line and goes around it. I had spaces between islands and the coast, as well as choke points in lakes and bays that were too close together to allow the marching ants to ... well, march. By diligently separating everything, and erasing ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	(Map) The Mothers Isle 3.JPEG 
Views:	2264 
Size:	887.9 KB 
ID:	115587  
  4. Cartographer, or Engineer?

    On closer inspection of the map from my satchel, there were several things that stood out to me. Rivers ran loosely into the lakes and sea, hills and terrain sat on top of each other, the coastline was too thick, and I still didn't know where I was on the map. How do you orient yourself to imagined terrain features when you don't know your starting point? It's too much to even think about all at once ... small bites, still eats up the elephant.
    I set about trying to relax and just take ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	(Map) Mothers Isle 2.JPEG 
Views:	1278 
Size:	549.2 KB 
ID:	115571  
  5. Another step taken ... another path opens

    I awoke with a compelling need to look into my satchel. There it was ... a map ... or at least the start of a map. There weren't any roads, there weren't any towns, or labels of any kind, but it was a beginning. The "Robot Seekers" hadn't bothered me since becoming a Novice. A Novice ... not too shabby. It was only a week, but I did feel the power growing. It's like each thing you unlock about yourself, or open up in new environs, becomes one more thing to add to your arsenal ... ...
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