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  1. The Long Wandering Cartographer Returns (again...)

    The halls of the Guild were warm and smelled of dust and aging paper. He inhaled deeply and felt a broad grin split his wind weathered face. He had been gone far too long this time and was glad to be back among the old friends and new faces....

    Another long absence and another joyful return. I have been gone too long and am looking forward to once again being an active member of this wonderful community.
  2. When Inspiration Flees...

    As some of you may have noticed, I have a habit of disappearing occasionally. I will go like gang busters for 6 or so months and then for months at at time my footfalls will seldom be heard on the floors of the Guild. My creativity waxes and wanes as the phases of the moon. I've always been like that. I guess this is why my Kingdom of Shendenflar Campaign Setting has taken nearly 30 years to get to a basic level of "completion". I love the work and the creative energy that mapping entails ...
  3. The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge Part Six

    Calan Stonebridge was shoved towards the large dock. He was chained to a large man in front of him and a tall woman behind him. His captors stood on the dock wearing looks of annoyance. "Is this the best you could do? A farmer a boy and a woman? The master will not be pleased" The man who had shoved Calan snorted. Gesturing towards the large man he said "This one is strong as an ox. Killed 2 men in the pit last night barely raised a breath. The woman well you know what they fetch ...
  4. The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge Part Five

    This is Part Five of the text only version of The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge.

    Calan Stonebridge nearly fainted as he was roughly pulled to a standing position. The man that had grabbed him was tall and muscular. Calan struggled out of instinct knowing that he had no hope of escaping this brute. "Put me down !" he tried to shout but fear made his words come out in a squeak. The large man laughed and began to carry Calan towards the open door. Calan tried again in vain ...
  5. The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge Part Four

    This is Part Four of the text only version of the Adventures of Calan Stonebridge

    Calan Stonebridge wondered how much pain the human body could endure before it simply quit. He had spent the last unknown amount of hours cramped into an uncomfortable shape clinging to the bottom of a wagon as it sped along a rough dirt track. The sun had begun to set as finally the wagon groaned to a halt. He fell with ah grunt to the hard earth and scurried behind a small building. He had no idea ...

    Updated 11-03-2012 at 05:22 PM by jtougas

    The Adventures of Calan Stonebridge , Story Snippets
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