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    45º41'37.3''N - 00º51'02.8''W 
Ink on tracing paper
    45º41'37.3''N - 00º51'02.8''W Ink on tracing paper by Kishkindha
    continent on parchment x1
    continent on parchment x1 by spiderfate
    The capital of Tolron was The City.   Very ingenious namers, these Tolroni. Look, tapered rivers in pixel graphics: two pixels or one pixel !
    The capital of Tolron was The City. Very ingenious namers, these Tolroni. Look, tapered rivers in pixel graphics: two pixels or one pixel ! by jbgibson
    dwarvenhwybridge 3000
    dwarvenhwybridge 3000 by Mark Oliva
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