The Atlas Awards 2023 are now over and without any further ado, here are the winners:
Best large area map
In this category usually the first and second-place maps are winners. We had a tie for second though so we have 3 winners this year.
The Wheel of Time - the Westlands in the Third Age, by Dimension Door
The shores of Evestion, by Voolf
The Mappa Discworld, by Marc Moureau
Best local area map
Justin Grindal's City of Urbs, by J.Edward
Best small area map
High Horn Keep By J.Edward
Best black and white map
Lapidelvbri dvcatvs tabvla, by Batat
Favourite map
La marche de kanoba, by Voolf
Congratulations to all the winners!
Map for Steampunk Alternate History Setting
Thread Starter: Bonsart BokelI am looking for an artist interested in making an alternate history/steampunk map, ca 1869, of the Netherlands, Belgium and German kingdoms.
Last Post By: Bonsart Bokel Today, 11:51 AM