• Random Gallery Images

    "Em totos os Jardins" (Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen) 
Ink on tracing paper, 2020
    "Em totos os Jardins" (Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen) Ink on tracing paper, 2020 by Kishkindha
    Windfoort by Tom
    Sretfarc Chart 1
    Sretfarc Chart 1 by Relic Kimah
    The Shrine of Rest and Fulfillment.  This version is basically undecorated, and lacks some trees from the later version. 
Scale is 100px to the...
    The Shrine of Rest and Fulfillment. This version is basically undecorated, and lacks some trees from the later version. Scale is 100px to the... by wdmartin
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