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    336720 509648162383307 446478156 o
    336720 509648162383307 446478156 o by Kolyana
    Baldur's Gate under-street level by jstevenson
    Baldur's Gate under-street level by jstevenson by J.Edward
    Fœnandiño is on a peninsula in Lake Walltrace. Lake Walltrace got its name from the 'eroded' paint where my pillow was rubbing the paint out. I...
    Fœnandiño is on a peninsula in Lake Walltrace. Lake Walltrace got its name from the 'eroded' paint where my pillow was rubbing the paint out. I... by Lanyx
    Second (and probably the last) update of my April / May 2015 Lite Challange. 
EDIT: I was wrong.
    Second (and probably the last) update of my April / May 2015 Lite Challange. EDIT: I was wrong. by JefBT
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