Conversation Between Diamond and Bogie

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the REP, I wasn't to crazy about the wheel tracks myself. I tried something different and it wasn't as good as I hoped.
  2. Thanks for the REP! I hear that the new owners of the Guild are going to pay us based on our REP levels!!
  3. Thanks for the Vote and REP, glad you like the map!
  4. Thanks for the REP and the VOTE, glad you liked it!
  5. Thanks for the REP!!
  6. Hi Diamond,
    In this thread by lesopreso several people posted they would like to see a challenge where everyone starts with his illustration of a wizards tower and then makes their own floor plan and dungeon based on it. Would you be interested in using this theme for the next regular challenge? If not I could do it in the Lite Challenge, but the regular one opens it up to more people. I can't post a link in here so Look for A So-Called Wizard Tower by lesopreso in the Finished Maps thread. the discussion of using it as a challenge is on the 3rd page.
  7. Thanks for the Vote & Rep, it means a lot coming from you!
  8. Thanks for the Rep!
  9. Thanks for the Vote and Rep, very much appreciated.
  10. Thanks for the Rep. I can set up and run the next challenge, but I don't know how. Are there instructions somewhere?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 30
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