Conversation Between J.Edward and Josiah VE

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey J. Edward. I'm wondering how big the final resolution of all the maps composited together will be. I'm wondering if it's even worth it to try and only keep the main cities and make the text a bit bigger for them for the composite map. Because if you won't be able to read the text either way I don't really want to spend the time on it. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for your response on my question.
    I'm going to try to hold off posting there so more people see the original question.
    Your answer was sort of what I was thinking - I'm just concerned that we're running out of ocean.
  3. My fault there - I noticed it later that you had said yes.
    I added you name to the list.
  4. About the 10th Anniversary challenge thing, I definitely want to be a part of it. Sorry if I was unclear.
  5. Hey Josiah - were you wanting to get in on the 10th anniversary map challenge?
  6. Hey Josiah - thanks for the rep and comment on Haerlech
    Hopefully it will get completed soon.
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