Conversation Between Mouse and Voolf

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're very welcome, Voolf - I enjoy watching your beautiful maps unfurl their wings and take flight
  2. Thank you for rep Mouse, and for checking out my WIP all the time. It kept me motivated.
  3. I don't know so much if I would even have any avatar bling today without your advice, Voolf. Getting the waves right greatly improved the overall appearance of the map - and where else was I going to rep you for that other than on one of the two Scribble Island threads? LOL!
  4. You are very much welcome Mouse, thanks for the rep, feel strange to get a rep in someone else's thread.
  5. Well I could hardly keep ninjaing you that way without acknowledging our relationship

    Besides - I've always greatly admired your work
  6. Oh Mouse you became my friend, how nice
  7. But it is so beautiful

    You're very welcome, Voolf - greatly deserved
  8. Haha, Thank you Mouse, i am glad you like it.
  9. Thanks for the rep on The Road to Tiamis, Voolf - much appreciated
  10. Thanks for the rep on my Bloodrock Revived thread, Voolf - and sorry about the vertical drop!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
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