Conversation Between - JO - and J.Edward

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the REP, J. ! I'm glad there is some progress between those three maps... The earlier one are really... hum... you know..
  2. hehe, thanks Joel
    no worries, the maps aren't going anywhere.
    Though.. they will increase over time. ;P
  3. Thanks a lot J. for the REP ! means a lot coming from you !
  4. Thanks a lot for the REP ! Much appreciated !
  5. My pleasure Joel Well deserved.
  6. Thanks a lot for the REP, John !
  7. Thanks for the rep and comments ! And, of course, for the beautiful map ! It's christmas all over again for me !!! So happy (and proud, I must say !) !!!
  8. Thanks for the REP ! I'm glad you liked it (even with its flaws)
  9. Thanks a lot for the REP J. ... Always very proud to receive acknowledgement from you !
  10. Thanks a lot for the rep and the kind words for my stamps ! I'm quite late in my correspondance... but I was glad to read your message !
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
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