Conversation Between aeshnidae and Mouse

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aaw, you are very kind, Aeshnidae! The vote was well deserved
  2. Thanks for the vote for my Lite Challenge entry! You know I adore your work, so it's always an honor to get your vote.
  3. Thanks for the comments, the rep and the vote, Aeshnidae

    Those rocks are photos I took some time ago at a local beach. There are three of them on page 2 of my Free Textures and bits and bobs album if you would like to have a go at something similar some time

    (sorry! don't seem to be able to hyperlink to them in a visitor message!)
  4. You're very welcome aeshnidae
  5. Thanks for the rep, Mouse! It's greatly appreciated.
  6. Oh bless! Love the profile image

    Thanks for the rep, aeshnidae - much appreciated, and no problem
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 16 of 16
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