Conversation Between Abu Lafia and ChickPea

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. That seems to be a surprise indeed, given you stayed in britain... XD Good to see you back!
  2. Thanks, Abu! Had a good holiday. The sun even shone!
  3. A little late, but many thanks for the rep on Kaluapu Chickpea, hope you enjoy your holidays!
  4. Thanks for the rep, Abu!

    I keep finding castles I've missed off my list, so I suspect there are probably at least twice as many as I've included. You'd better plan a loooong trip.
  5. You're welcome, Abu! Glad you like the avatar. Don't think it'll have quite the same impact on your black banner as the stripy pink kitty of doom did!
  6. Many thanks for the vote and rep my friend! As always, i greatly appreciate your feedback and encouragement. PS: Your new Avatar looks damn pretty, and ofc "rose is a rose is a rose is a rose", but i also somewhat miss the Pink Stripy Kitty (...of Doom)
  7. Thanks, Abu
  8. Happy Birthday ChickPea!
  9. You're very welcome, Abu.
  10. Thank you so much ChickPea for the rep, vote and the steady encouragement, as always, greatly appreciated!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 27
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