Conversation Between Ilanthar and J.Edward

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. We posted your On The Map interview today.
    ChickPea is posting up a bunch of your maps on twitter.
    Hope it brings around many new viewers to your maps.
  2. Thanks for the rep and vote on the Thurian Age map.
    I had originally thought of doing it in color but decided that my color work didn't seem 'Pulp' looking so went with the semi B&W version.
    I might do it in color but work schedule will make that take a while.
  3. My pleasure Ilanthar.
    I'm really enjoying your work.
  4. Thanks for your vote !
  5. Thank you Ilanthar.
  6. Thanks Ilanthar. I always appreciate your comments.
  7. Thank you for the comment and rep Ilanthar.
    I need to respond to those comments - there's something to say about love rooms.
  8. Thanks Ilanthar, for the comment and the rep.
    I think the client wanted a lot of scenery in there. It does seem like a lot of maps for an adventure module.
    More than most that I'm familiar with. And all in color too. That's unusual.
  9. Thanks Ilanthar.
    Comment and rep much appreciated sir.
  10. Thanks Ilanthar.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
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