Conversation Between ChickPea and ThomasR

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks a lot CP, I hope to be able to share more soon.
  2. Thanks for your kind words CP
  3. Thanks for the rep, Thomas.
  4. Thank you very much kind lady
  5. We'll see
  6. Thank you so much for your comment! It's quite a bit of work being a CL sometimes, so it's nice to know our efforts are appreciated.

    I agree about the challenges. They're my favourite part of the Guild, whether it's participating or just watching other people's maps take shape. I can't take any credit for the ideas behind them, though. Most of the time that's down to Diamond and Bogie on their own, with occasional suggestions from other Guild members. I'm glad you're enjoying them, and I think that silver compass is going to be the first of many for you!
  7. Thanks for the rep and kind comment CP ! You gotta know that those maps we produce during the challenges, and I think these are the best maps we do, we make them thanks to you, Community Leaders, and your great ideas for the challenges, so here is a big thank you that you can share with the whole team (with a special mention to Bogie because I had a blast on this one) !
  8. Thanks so much, Thomas! We'll see....
  9. Happy Birthday! Looks like there'll be lots of joint birthday parties in your future.
  10. Thanks a lot ChickPea ! My work matures with the help of everyone in the Guild, through their inspirational work and their help !
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 44
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