Conversation Between ChickPea and SteffenBrand

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wow, thank you so much, ChickPea! =)
  2. Thank you for the Rep, ChickPea! Yeah, no 'normal' computer should have to handle this
  3. Thank you so much =)
  4. The three inns I mentioned are actually done. I mentioned this a moment ago to J.Edwards - I'm not even sure I'll share all of them since they are more or less the whole feature of the product. We'll see =)

    Thanks for the rep and comment, much appreciated!
  5. Thanks, Steffen
  6. Haha, not a lot gets done without coffee!
  7. Well, no man should deny another one coffee. Alright, thanks
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 17 of 17
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