Conversation Between J.Edward and Warlin

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep on Nahadua
  2. Thanks J. for the rep on Sliss'Ash'Schtu. I really appreciate doing it with your constant support. And congrats for your 10 years challenge awards, you deserve it.
  3. Thanks for the rep and comment on the constellations Warlin
    I really appreciate it.
  4. Thanks again for the encouragement and the rep on my Erandas map.
  5. Thank you for the rep and the kind words J.
  6. Thanks for the rep on Umi.
    Really appreciate it Warlin.
  7. Thanks for the rep and the encouragement. I'm really glad you appreciate my works. Avec toute ma respectueuse admiration.
  8. Thank you for the rep and comment Warlin.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 18 of 18
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