Conversation Between Bogie and Chick

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the REP Chick, glad you like my map!
  2. Thanks for the REP, My advantage is that DundJinni is designed to work with tiling textures. All I had to do was get the textures into a 200 x 200 pixel size at 200 dpi, then load them into DJ and it handles the rest. It kind of works like using texture brushes in photoshop only better.
  3. Thanks for the Rep and the Vote!
  4. Thanks for the REP! I do what I can.
  5. Thanks for the vote.
  6. Thanks for the rep and the vote! It is pretty easy to get the effect using Bevel and Emboss and Outer Glow in Photoshop.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 16 of 16
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