Conversation Between Mouse and tilt

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Enjoy it? It's bloody hilarious! I haven't had such a good laugh for ages

    And for that I'd rep you a thousand times over - if the server would let me! LOL!
  2. Thanks a bunch for the rep on "Operation Swiss Cheese" - glad you enjoyed it
  3. I used to belong to Writer's Circle. It doesn't exist any more, but I wrote 100,000 words of a novel in 3 months flat when there were other people doing the same thing as I was all around me

    Goodnight Tilt - sleep well
  4. I'll give sleep a shot in 5 minutes ... the book has to wait a little longer ... that said it sometimes help to have someone "pushing" you ... a writing group of sorts
  5. You're welcome, Tilt - well deserved. If we both get stuck writing our respective books, maybe we should try swapping, and I'll write yours if you write mine
  6. Thanks for the rep and the kind words Mouse we both have books to finish
  7. Oh poor thing! Hope you get some more sleep tonight and start to feel much better soon
  8. actually still sick - can't seem to shake that cough ... didn't sleep much last night, but hope it will be better during the week thanks for asking
  9. Thanks for the rep and the encouraging comment, Tilt I will at least keep trying to finish the book

    EDIT: just saw your note on the Challenge thread - hope you are feeling all better now!
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