Conversation Between arsheesh and Troedel

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Birthday Troedel!
  2. Happy Birthday Troedel!
  3. Love the new Avitar Troedel!

  4. Thanks for contributing to the Guild. I know it takes time and energy to do so, and the rep is just a way of saying thanks, your contribution is appreciated.

  5. Thank you for the rep. Layout for a tutorial is an art on itself. I hope I can expand and beautify this thing.
  6. No problem Troedel. I like your map.

  7. Thank you for the rep.
    And I´ve got to agree with Katto, everything on wilbur helps
  8. Hey thanks Troedel. I hope it is helpful to some folks.

  9. THX for the rep. I hope I´ll finish it wednesday. The border is just to plain
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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