Conversation Between Greg and Mouse

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep and the comment on The Glyphs of Kaylaric, Greg - much appreciated
  2. Well deserved, and good on you for taking part

    I'm willing you the energy to keep going
  3. Thanks for the encouragement and rep, Mouse! Doing my best to keep things going, got a city map I'll be uploading today!
  4. You're welcome. Thanks for the rep and nice remarks on my map too, Sue!
  5. Aw thank you, Greg, for the lovely comment - and of course for the rep!
  6. The way you drew the last one in just a couple of days flat at the end of a 2 month challenge - I think the rest of us should look out!
  7. Yeah, I definitely hope to. I have a bit of an idea buzzing around for the start of this month's, so hopefully I can get it into something more than that! I think I'm going to try and touch up my Yawning Isles map a tad first though.
  8. Thanks Greg

    And what about you? Are you planning on going for gold again?
  9. Congrats on the second goldie, Sue! Very much deserved and I'm sure you'll have a whole hoard of them in no time!
  10. That's my Kaitlin Gray, that is - and I'm extremely proud of it. It always makes me smile when I see it, and remember how it came to be. Chashio is such a lovely warm person

    You're very welcome, Greg. It was well deserved. And I really don't understand why mine is so far out in front. Maybe its just a coincidence that all the people who like that sort of style have voted in the first 2 days, and things will look a bit more even across the board by the end of the third day
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