Conversation Between Tonnichiwa and Greg

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks Tonni for the vote in the Lite Challenge! Just a last minute entry so makes it extra nice!
  2. Thanks for the vote on Blackdust Anchors! Really appreciate it!
  3. Cheers for your vote in the challenge Toni! I'm pleased you liked it!
  4. Thanks, Glad you liked it, and thanks for the Rep
  5. Well you're more than welcome to use it and tweak it as much as you want to!
  6. You're welcome GLS. I really liked it. It is the type of compass I want to use when I start doing space type maps.
  7. Really appreciate the vote on the Lite Challenge Tonnichiwa!
  8. Thank's for the encouragement and the rep
  9. I would have repped you but it won't let me just yet. Great job on your map entry this month. I love that it is so colorful and the tiling effect on the bricks on your buildings. I also love the nebulous look of the entrance (or is that the exit) to (from) the underground.
  10. Cheers for the vote on Silver Hollow! A shame you had issues with the software on your entry!...
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 25
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