Conversation Between Greg and ThomasR

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the comments and rep both here and over on DA! Also, I made my first DA sale from you, so thank you kindly!
  2. You're most welcome, Thomas! Congrats on the second silver compass!
  3. Thanks for the rep and especially the vote
  4. Thanks for the rep, Greg, your output has been impressive lately !
  5. Thanks for the rep once again, Thomas and, you're very welcome for all the rep I send your way too!

    (sorry that last bit is a little belated)
  6. Thanks a lot for the rep and kind comments, Greg, here and on DA
  7. You're welcome Greg, I really loved those colors
  8. Thanks for the rep on my challenge map, Thomas!
  9. Thanks for your kind words, Greg, I'm moved And thanks for the rep too
  10. Thanks Greg
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 52
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