Conversation Between arsheesh and Chick

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Kind of you to say. I know what you mean though, I frequently find myself unable to rep others as well.
  2. You're welcome, I frequently wish I could rep you more!
  3. Thanks for the kind words and the rep on my dungeon maps Chick.
  4. Thanks for kind words, and for the rep Chick! Cheers.
  5. Arsheesh, your mailbox seems to be full
  6. Thank you, arsheesh, I appreciate the rep and the kind words!
  7. Thanks chick! Glad you like the tutorial.
  8. Always a pleasure chick!
  9. Thank you so much, arsheesh! Rep is great, but your compliment means even more
  10. You bet! Good luck on the competition.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 26
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