Conversation Between J.Edward and Sapiento

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not at all. I'm currently on vacation and once I'm back some commissions are already waiting.
  2. Hey Rob. How's your ME map progressing?
  3. I got a lot done. I was trying a different style, which I'm still not sure about. It was fine until I got to doing the forests. I've tried 3 different styles on them but none seem to work quite right with the mountains I'm doing. You're right - ME is very large. I may have to put mine aside as well. It is taking up all of my time right now. Haven't gotten anything else done. I can work on it today, but after that, if I don't make some progress, I may have to put it on hold.
  4. Hi John, How goes the work with your map? I decided to lay aside Middle Earth for the moment; instead I will try a map of Rohan. ME is simply too huge at the moment.
  5. It's more difficult than I had thought; maybe some doodling with an open mind brings new ideas.
  6. I had the land outline and rivers done. I laid out some rough ridgelines for mountains and started down one design path and also became dissatisfied and changed it. I think I was excited to get started and didn't fully think through what direction I really wanted to take. I may do more than 1 version of this map. I'm trying one style right now but it isn't quite as satisfying as I had hoped.
  7. Funny! Or strange - because I have the same issue. I have the outline of the land so far and started with some test mountains, but in the meantime I'm no longer satisfied with the style.
  8. How is your MidEarth map going? I got a good bit done and then completely changed direction.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 18 of 18
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