Conversation Between Katto and arsheesh

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ha ha, glad to here it. Nice work BTW.

  2. Thanks for the rep mate! (I must always smile when I see your profile picture )
  3. Glad to here it. Let me know if you run into any issues with the tutorials, or if anything is unclear. I've already found several mistakes and I'm sure there's bound to be others floating around.

  4. Hi, every tutorial that helps me to understand Wilbur is more than welcome
    I will have to learn GIMP for office use (no PS available), so your tutorial (nice layout also btw) is a good way to combine both.
    Thanks again!
  5. Hi Katto, thank's for the rep. I don't know how useful the tutorial is to you but it's nice to know someone noticed.

  6. Thank you Katto, I have likewise been impressed with your own work, and have always appreciated your thoughts at the Guild. It is an honor to accept your invitation.

    -Arsheesh (aka Tad)
  7. Thanks for the rep arsheesh I like your style, personal and mapping and would be honoured to call you 'friend'.
  8. Thanks for the Birthday wishes Katto!

  9. Happy birthday arsheesh!
  10. Well thank you kindly in return my friend!

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
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