Conversation Between Tonnichiwa and ChickPea

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you for the Rep Chickpea. I'm glad you liked it
  2. Thanks for the Rep Chickpea. I'm trying to be more active here when I can. Glad you liked my map
  3. Thanks for the rep & comment. Much appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the rep and comment! I'm glad you liked it.
  5. Thanks for the rep
  6. Thanks ChickPea. I appreciate it. I'll get better at it eventually
  7. Thank you, it was definitely a learning experience. Thanks for the rep and the vote too
  8. Thank you
  9. Thanks for the vote & rep on my challenge map. Hoping to see something from you in a future challenge!!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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