Conversation Between ChickPea and Mouse

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ooooo! ChickPea!

    Happy Mappy Birthday to yoooooooou!
  2. Yeah, I hope so too. It's in the Highlands though, so who knows....!
  3. Sounds like brilliant fun - a good old knees up after all the hard work!

    Hope the weather's good for it!
  4. Ah, it's cool. I'm preparing myself this week for the drinking that lies ahead....!
  5. Well that one was doubly deserved! You must be burning the candle at both ends just lately, with all the mapping and book reviews and a wedding to boot!

    I feel a bit tired just thinking about it
  6. Thanks for the rep, Mouse.
  7. Aw thank you

    I promise I will de-blurrify the river and road, and maybe add a trace of grunge
  8. Aw, thanks Mouse
  9. Thank you, ChickPea A splendid job on the challenge write up as always

    There really ought to be a rep button on announcements - so that we can show our appreciation for all your reporting contributions!
  10. Aw thank you ChickPea. What a lovely thing to say - and thank you also for the rep and the vote
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 82
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