Conversation Between Bogie and ThomasR

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're welcome
  2. Thanks for the REP and nice comment
  3. Thanks for the Rep, I'm glad you like the map.
  4. Thanks for the Rep, much appreciated.
  5. My pleasure !
  6. Thanks for the REP
  7. Thanks for the vote Bogie !
  8. Thanks for the REP and the nice comments!
  9. Thanks for the rep, Bogie ! And you're right, it's intended as a multi-setting starter for tabletop RPG. I'll now write the texts and propose it to a french RPG magazine, I'll let you know where it goes.
  10. Thanks Bogie, I'll try to finish it someday.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 31
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