Conversation Between Mouse and Ilanthar

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep and the lovely comment, Ilanthar - much appreciated
  2. Aw thank you Ilanthar! Much appreciated
  3. Thank you for the rep and the lovely comments on my Atlas Ward map, Ilanthar
  4. You're welcome, Ilanthar. Despite not being very well right in the middle of it all, you did a brilliant job

    EDIT: Also - Thank you also for the rep and the lovely comment on my Road to Tiamis map
  5. Thanks for your vote, Mouse !
  6. Thank you so much for the rep, Ilanthar Your comments were very much appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the rep and the lovely comment on Gymnopus P, Ilanthar And the trees weren't really my favourite part of the map either! LOL
  8. You don't have to thank me, Ilanthar! You earned it
  9. Thanks a lot for the vote and rep Mouse!
  10. Thanks for the comment and the rep Ilanthar
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 30
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