Conversation Between Abu Lafia and ChickPea

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Abu, I wasn't able to rep you again for your banners, so wanted to leave a comment to say that I think they were fab and a great entry for the challenge. Good luck in the voting!

    I'm still working on my Skye map (been really busy and bit under the weather the last week). I have to sort out my Clan crests then I'll update again.
  2. It's a pleasure ChickPea, at least something i can give back for the huge amounts of help i recieved here (and especially in this case)! I hope it'll be useful to you.
    Btw. any news from the "Isle of Skye"? By chance i watched the animated Disney/Pixar movie "Brave" yesterday, and had to think about this great map of yours...
  3. Thanks for the rep and for voting for my map. Glad you liked it.
  4. ... and thank you for the rep!
  5. Thanks, Abu! I'm a little stunned that I won. When voting started I honestly thought you nail this one, as yours was my favourite out of all of them. I hope we can go 'head to head' again, because it was great fun!
  6. Congratulations Chick Pea! Well deserved shiny silver . I'm looking forward to the next "competition" with you...
  7. Hey ChickPea, thanks for the rep and vote! Indeed it was (or still is) a really fun lite-challenge...If all competitions were like this one i'd like competing more i guess
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 27 of 27
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