Conversation Between Mouse and Falconius

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. LOL! You're welcome, Falconius - well deserved!

    As for mine... well... its certainly awesomely something! I rather think the maps are poor, and the text too much.

    What can I say - except that I panicked, and... no worries - I completely understand
  2. Thankss for the Rep Mouse, I can't rep your own map though 'cause you keep churning out all this awesome stuff.
  3. You're very welcome, Falconius it takes a lot of skill to craft such intricate models in Blender. You do it better than I can, and I've been struggling to produce something I can actually use for a couple of years now
  4. Thanks for the rep Mouse, I just totally ran out of steam and lost interest in that one. I think I hit too many brick walls with my lack of understanding the software and it took a lot out of the project. Learned a hell of a lot too though which was my main motivation.
  5. Thanks for the rep and the comment on my Merelan City map And you're right - it certainly wasn't an easy journey!
  6. I know just exactly what you mean! LOL! I do it myself.
  7. Thanks for the rep Mouse. I don't abandon maps, I just put them in a folder of unfinished maps and then never get to them, it's not the same thing
  8. Thanks for the rep and the compliment on my Bloodrock map, Falconius Glad you like my fields, and thanks for the compliment on my buildings too, but I must confess that they are in fact standard CC3 symbols. I just did the arrangement and the lighting
  9. I'll PM you in a minute, but no, It wasn't anything you said or did
  10. Did I miss something? I thought you were making an entry in the underground contests and it has disappeared. Is everything all right? I hope it wasn't anything I said there, I really liked where it was going.
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