Conversation Between Mouse and Tonnichiwa

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the Rep Mouse
  2. Aw thank you. You're very sweet
  3. You're welcome Sue. I love that cover! Makes me want to buy your book!
  4. Thanks for the vote, Tony
  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes Sue
  6. Oh no! Happy Belated Birthday from me too!

    Sorry Tony - I usually check for birthdays every day, but I've been lax just lately.
  7. You're welcome, Tonnichiwa
  8. Thanks for the Rep
  9. What a brilliant Idea! I look forward to seeing a new WIP thread then... broadband permitting, of course
  10. Lol...glad you liked them. You know, those pictures are actually pictures from real manuscripts that were drawn in the middle ages. That is why I wanted to put them on the map. I thought they fit the theme well
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 46
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