Conversation Between ThomasR and Josiah VE

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep Josiah ! It was hard but instructive. I'll do more like this one I think.
  2. Dude, I hate you at the moment for suggesting an increased amount of details for the vegetation on the Desert Hound
  3. Thanks for the rep Josiah, I hope the finished version will deserve it. I'm working on my shading skills and they need improvement.
  4. Thanks for the rep!
  5. Thanks for the rep Josiah. I've unfortunately be held from finishing by work related issues. I lacked the time to learn how to properly label my map, gonna have to learn. I won't let this prevent me from finishing the map. Thanks again for your support.
  6. yup, the compass
  7. Once again? I've convinced you to try something before? Well, glad you like it and you're inspired.
  8. You're welcome, once again, your work convinced me to try something, you're a real motivator !
  9. Thanks for the rep Thomrey,
  10. Thanks Josiah, your work on this challenge inspired me to try myself. I hope we'll compete in many more.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 33
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