Conversation Between ThomasR and Mouse

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. You hit the bullseye here
  2. Aw thank you for the rep, Thomas

    And I know what you mean about the loop. There's so much going on here at the Guild these days I find it really hard to keep up, and I also know just how busy a young dad can be
  3. As always, totally deserved
  4. Thanks for the vote and the rep, Thomas - as always, much appreciated
  5. Thanks for the rep, comment and vote, Thomas Its doing a lot better than I thought it would!!!
  6. Merci beaucoup pour les souhaits d'anniversaire, Thomas
  7. Mappy birthday Sue
  8. Thanks for the rep, Thomas
  9. It's a beautiful map, Thomas - a pleasure
  10. Thanks for the rep and kind comment Sue
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 84
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