Conversation Between Greg and ThomasR

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the Praise on Space Oddity
  2. Thanks a lot GLS
  3. Thanks for the rep and the comment on the challenge, Thomrey, really appreciate it! Also, I never congratulated you on your wedding, so CONGRATULATIONS!
  4. Cheers for the rep, Thomrey!
  5. Thanks for those kind words and for the rep
  6. Thanks, I'll do my best to!
  7. You're welcome ! Bring us more like this one !
  8. Thanks for the rep and comment on the map Thomrey!
  9. Thanks for the rep and nice comments on my commission map thomrey. I'll just post a thumbnail next time.
  10. Thanks GLS, I'm indeed working my line work out
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 52
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