Conversation Between ChickPea and Mouse

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you!

    I've got everything crossed
  2. Temp work can often lead to something more permanent. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  3. Aw thank you Chickpea. I'm pretty excited about it, even if it is only temp work
  4. Congrats on your new job, Mouse! I'm so pleased for you.
  5. You're very welcome, ChickPea

    I like to recognise the time and effort that people put into making the Guild a great place to be
  6. Aw thank you, Mouse. That's kind and generous of you, and much appreciated.
  7. Aw, thanks Mouse. I really appreciate your comment, and it's gratifying to know someone reads them!
  8. Another excellent job on the Challenge announcements, ChickPea. That table was a great solution for the size of the field!

    Thank you
  9. Thanks for the lovely comment and the rep, ChickPea
  10. LOL!

    Me too! Trouble is, if I run too fast they bounce around and hit me in the sunglasses, so you can always hear me coming now if I'm in a hurry!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 82
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