Conversation Between Greg and Mouse

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm pleased you liked my Castly mappy book cover Mouse! Though it was probably just the nice paper that sold it for you!

    Thanks for the comments, the vote and the rep!
  2. You're welcome - and you're also too kind
  3. Thanks Mouse, and no worries, steal those colours away and make more pretty pieces!
  4. Haha, well I have a whole folder's worth of them on my computer. I've got enough unfinished challenge threads, but that's no included the ones I never bothered posting!

    Still, hope to enter the book cover (hand-drawing again!) and maybe this inset challenge thing.
  5. Aw thank you Greg Maybe I just have more free time to do these things than you do? I still hope to see all your unfinished challenges as finished maps some day
  6. Well, it was well done anyway - and your welcome
  7. Haha, yes, sometimes there's a lot to work with and other times there's virtually nothing, but yeah, you get used to it! Thanks for the rep and the comments Mouse!
  8. And there I was thinking I'd gone and done my usual thing and rattled on a bit too much again! LOL! Thanks for the rep, GLS
  9. Equally, it is my pleasure. I'll rep if I can too!
  10. Oh yes! And thanks for the vote
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