Conversation Between ChickPea and ThomasR

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wanna laugh ? 'am getting married on thursday ... You said pressure ? I'll take it easy and post a tiny bit of the commissioned map (really tiny).
  2. Nothing like putting yourself under pressure!

    Maybe next year we can try to create some buzz about mapvember here at the Guild. I think that, if you weren't on Twitter, you'd know nothing about it. I'm really enjoying your maps, but remember you can always just do a tiny little sketch if you're really struggling for time. (Don't kill yourself with stress!!)

    Looking forward to seeing the work for your new commission.
  3. Thanks a lot for the rep and kind comment ! And be reassured, I'm perfectly aware that my map flow prevents people to rep everything I went totally crazy with mapvember, it really pushed me to try new things and on top of this, I'm cooking another commission. Dunno how I'll manage to do all this stuff but I'll most definitely try
  4. Thank you for the rep and nice comment. I had some free time in the train so ... let's draw maps !
  5. You are more than welcome !
  6. Thanks for the rep!
  7. Thanks for the rep and kind comment, of course, more bored maps are coming but I'll try to improve my design.
  8. Wow ! Thanks a lot ! Six month ago, I couldn't draw if my life depended on it, it's all of you, inspiring people that pushed me in that direction ! Thanks Chickpea, for the rep, vote and nice comment !
  9. Thanks for the rep and comment. Much appreciated.
  10. Thanks ChickPea, I hope I'll get to finish it someday
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 44
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