Conversation Between ChickPea and Mouse

82 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm wearing sunglasses to protect my eyes...

  2. I'll steal a phrase from Chashio (I think it was Chashio) - I feel all shiny now!
  3. You're welcome, Mrs Bling!
  4. Thank you so much, ChickPea
  5. Thank you so much for the rep and the birthday wishes Chickpea I wish I could come with you! (anything to get out of having to do that interview tomorrow! LOL!)
  6. I just noticed it's your birthday! Have a great day. Hope you're out getting sozzled!!
  7. Aw, thanks Mouse. That's appreciated.
  8. There's never anywhere to thank you for announcing the winner, so I'm thanking you here.

    Thank you, ChickPea. You present each announcement so beautifully
  9. Aw, thank you that's really sweet of you
  10. You're very welcome ChickPea - well deserved. And as for the beasties - I just can't seem to stop myself from seeing them, so no chance of it stopping! LOL!
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 82