Conversation Between Mouse and ThomasR

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'd better thank you for the vote now, Thomrey, before you change your name and I can't find you - thank you
  2. Merci pour la rep, thomrey
  3. Mais c'est avec plaisir
  4. Merci pour la rép - très apprécié
  5. Thanks for the battleship vote, thomrey
  6. You're very welcome thomrey
  7. Thanks for the rep Sue ! Glad you spotted the slight modifications
  8. LOL! Thanks for the rep, thomrey
  9. Thanks a lot for your vote on the lite challenge And thanks for the cheering and advices
  10. Thanks for the rep ! And I'd be glad to win this one, it was real fun to try new things.
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 84
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