Conversation Between Mouse and ChickPea

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep, Mouse. Keep finding faces and beasties everywhere you look!
  2. You're welcome, ChickPea Well deserved
  3. Thanks, Mouse! I'm glad you liked it.
  4. You with a giant ego? Never

    You're welcome, ChickPea
  5. Aw, you're giving me a giant ego here!!

    Thank you!
  6. Aw thank you *blushes*

  7. And likewise you are equally welcome You have such original ideas, and a flare for making them into maps
  8. You're very welcome!

    Also, I'd forgotten to thank you for the rep on my Orient Express cover, so belated thank you for that! It's much appreciated.
  9. Aw thank you for the rep and the encouragement ChickPea
  10. You really are too kind! Thank you
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 82
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