Conversation Between Mouse and Greg

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep and the comment on Merelan City, GLS
  2. Hey GLS Your welcome Looks like we were thinking along the same lines - again! LOL!
  3. Thanks for the rep and the vote Mouse! Also, as to the creamyness in the border snakes, it would have been there, but unfortunately I had to choose between that or sleep...and sleep won.
  4. Thanks for the rep and the lovely comment on my Bloodrock map, GLS Lets hope I make a habit of finishing all the maps I start! LOL!
  5. Thanks for the rep Mouse! I'm pleased you like those caterpillars!
  6. No worries Mouse, thanks for the vote! And also the rep for my city map!
  7. Hey GLS Tried to rep you for Vampire Hunting in the 31st Century, but I went and repped your commission map earlier today, so I couldn't! I'll come back to it, though. Don't you worry
  8. Oops! Sorry GLS!

    I guess that means I'm an incurable chatterbox!!!

    I'll sort it out, if you give me a few minutes

    EDIT: All done now.
  9. Haha, well done Mouse, you've filled up your inbox, so I can't reply to your message!
  10. Well you've certainly got my vote
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 64
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